
The fair counts on the invaluable support of partners committed to its development. 








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main partner


Puilaetco is ceramic brussels main partner. 

With nearly 200 highly qualified employees and around ten billion euros under management, Puilaetco, a Quintet Private Bank (Europe) S.A. Branch is a Belgian asset manager (founded in 1868) that offers its clients a personalised approach that is both innovative and traditional.

As a trusted partner, the bank has been offering high-performance, personalised and responsible solutions for five generations. These services include wealth management, financial and estate planning, loans and artistic heritage management. In addition, since 2002, Puilaetco and Triodos Bank have joined forces in an exclusive collaboration on sustainable wealth management.

The bank has seven branches across the country (Brussels, Antwerp, Hasselt, Liège, Namur, Sint-Martens-Latem and Waregem). Puilaetco is a branch of Quintet Private Bank (Europe) S.A., a Luxembourg credit institution.


PatrimOne Group

PatrimOne Group is the official insurance broker of ceramic brussels. 

PatrimOne Group is particularly enthusiastic about supporting ceramic brussels, the first edition of an international fair dedicated to contemporary ceramics.

This initiative spotlights emerging artists, promoting ceramics, which is sometimes underestimated and relegated to the status of a craft.

As a specialist in the assessment and risks management, the Group has deliberately chosen to support this nascent fair dedicated to an art form which, more than any other, requires protection and vigilance. We believe in the intrinsic value of contemporary ceramics and are proud to contribute to its development, emphazing its cultural and artistic significance.

Through our support for ceramic brussels, PatrimOne Group is demonstrating its commitment to young talent, its support for initiatives that promote artistic creation and its deep attachment to art beyond our role as insurance broker.

The Group offers a complete solution for the protection of personal assets, including homes, works of art, precious objects, vehicles and boats. It also extends its expertise to the professional sphere, covering holding companies, property companies, real estate assets and businesses.

With offices in eleven cities in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Monaco, the PatrimOne Group is firmly established to meet the global needs of its clients. With 120 years of cumulative experience in the field of art and exceptional property, it is one of the top twenty generalist brokers in France.


Art Shippers

Art Shippers is the official fine art logistics partner of ceramic brussels. 

With 35 years experience of artworks transport, packing, storage installation and insurance of those service nationally as internationally, Art Shippers is at the exclusive service of museums, galleries, auction houses and collectors all over the world.

Art Shippers has a worldwide network of agents specialized in artworks logistics. Whatever the destination we will able to help you.

Our ambition is to give you the best service with zero default and in full confidentiality.

Our limited structure permit us to give you a personalized service. Our people have a minimum of an average 20 years experience in this domain.



The City of Brussels

Brussels supports ceramic brussels. supports the fair through a large number of initiatives such as supporting visibility in the international media, helping to organise visibility campaigns and distribution the event in its diary and on its various channels. is the regional organisation contributing to the influence of ceramic brussels and the brussels visibility in general. is an organism of public interest subsidised by the Brussels-Capital Region. We’re the Brussels-Capital Region’s tourism promotion and communications agency, committed to:

> the promotion of tourism, culture and events in the Brussels-Capital Region;
> the creation of experiences that highlight its many assets;
> the quality of the reception of its visitors, be they leisure and business tourists or international associations.

Brussels Capital-Region

The Brussels-Capital Region supports ceramic brussels.

The fair is fully in line with the Region's commitment to promoting its influence, image and appeal beyond Belgium's borders, in Europe and internationally. With its pioneering format in Europe, the fair brings together a unique diversity of galleries, partners and artistic offerings. It is now a recurring event for art lovers, collectors and institutions.

Through its initiatives, it promotes original, attractive and high-quality programming in Brussels, and aims to support commercial vitality, the creation of links between European partners and the defence of contemporary artistic creation.

Wallonia-Brussels International

Wallonia-Brussels International supports ceramic brussels.

WBI is the organization responsible for the international relations of Wallonia-Brussels. It is the instrument of the international policy conducted by the Wallonia, the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, and the French Community Commission of the Brussels-Capital Region, federated entities of Belgium.

As part of agreements with 70 countries and regions, as well as its positioning within multilateral bodies, WBI's mission is to support all its French-speaking Belgian partners wishing to internationalize (creators, artists, entrepreneurs, students, higher education institutions, researchers) and to enhance the impact, influence, and reputation of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and Wallonia abroad.

WBI promotes the components of Wallonia and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (WBF) as entities with the ability to act internationally and advocates for the values and interests of each party in a spirit of mutual cooperation.

WBI carries out its missions in a partnership approach with its operators, public actors, and policymakers through a "user-oriented" strategy fueled by ongoing consultation and information.


Atelier Coperta

Experts in the restoration of art objects, Atelier Coperta repairs, cleans, revives and preserves: ceramics, porcelain, terracotta, glassware, earthenware, biscuit, comic book figurines and others.

We have been restoring since 1999

And yet, the time when it all began is not so far away.

It is now more than 20 years since Rinaldo Pontello, A Swiss Army knife in the field of art restoration, a graduate of the Brussels Academy of Fine Arts, working in the restoration sector for almost 30 years and without doubt an expert, and Patrice Prestl, Passionate about antiques & specialised in Chinese porcelain, expert in Chinese art, self-taught, an entrepreneur at heart, and immersed in art since he was very young, started as craftsmen in the restoration of art objects.

Established in the Grand Sablon district, a real "place to be" for antique dealers, it is in the former Demeuldre-Coché porcelain factory that they started. A place full of emotion and know-how.

We, the craftsmen of art restoration

Specialising in repair and conservation, they rescue most precious works of art from oblivion, whether it be the repair of porcelain or other precious objects.



centrale for contemporary arts

Nestled in a former power station in the heart of Brussels, Centrale for contemporary art is the contemporary art centre of the City of Brussels.
It develops a committed vision of art, beyond boundaries, and connected to the city and to society.
Each year it collaborates with confirmed and emerging artists from Brussels and the international scene to produce exhibitions and multidisciplinary projects housed in its various premises.

Since 2021, Centrale | vitrine, at 13 rue Sainte-Catherine, showcases the projects of four artists selected through an annual open call.

Centrale also works with Brussels’ art schools. Since 2017 it has offered residencies to students enrolled in the CARE Master – exploring the plural practices of exhibition making – initiated with the Académie royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles. In addition, in July 2020, the first edition of the Brussels Videonline Festival, organised in partnership with seven Brussels-based art schools, broadcast the films of twenty-one recently graduated art students. The festival is now held every two years in February.

Stemming from the visual arts, Centrale expands its programme with performances, concerts, art film screenings, meetings, debates, and more. Priority is given to partnering with other local and international cultural institutions.

People, audiences, are at the heart of Centrale’s missions: everyone – art lovers and neophytes, individuals and school groups, associations and families – can discover artworks and activities, be it a guided tour, a workshop, participation in a work in progress, etc.

Centrale’s mediation team offers specific attention to the needs of organisations and school groups in order to create tailor-made activities in relation to the exhibitions. The MOODBOARD, visible at the reception of Centrale, reveals a part of the mediation work happening both in situ and with the neighborhood.

Centrale is ultimately a comprehensive cultural project, the project of a capital city, a project for everyone, artists and audiences.

centre Wallonie-Bruxelles

Far from constituting a mausoleum that would contribute to the canonisation of the pa-ma-trimonial heritage of French-speaking Belgian culture, the Centre, alias the vessel, is a non-prescriptive venue with an experiential vocation, a catalyst of reference for so-called Belgian contemporary creation and the artistic ecosystem in its transversality.

Through its resolutely de-anctuarising and a-trans-disciplinary programming, the Centre is mandated to disseminate and promote the work of artists based in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. It thus promotes emerging or confirmed talent, from the peripheral to the established. It helps to stimulate international co-productions and partnerships and to focus attention on the Belgian scene.

Each season, the Centre unveils artistic approaches that demonstrate the irreducibility of the porous territories of contemporary creation to a common denominator. Located in the 4th arrondissement of Paris, its programming is spread over more than 1,000 m2. A decentralised Belgian vessel, in addition to its In-Situ programming, it also implements Off-Wall programming and invests cyberspace as a territory for creation and propagation with dedicated content.

CID – centre for innovation and design at Grand-Hornu

The CID – centre for innovation and design at Grand-Hornu aims to promote contemporary design through a programme of exhibitions and mediation activities, highlighting innovation, experimental research, the emergence of new themes and horizons for research in design, architecture and graphic art. By presenting the diversity of these creative domains, the CID raises the public’s awareness of a culture of design and architecture. It questions, studies and explains this culture through a dialogue with creators, researchers and also the public.

The central value of innovation at the CID is understood as a departure from our habitual ways of seeing, thinking and working. To innovate is to accept change. It is about reaching into the shock zone described by Raymond Loewy in Never Leave Well Enough Alone, breaking out of our certitudes and comfort zone to incorporate innovation into our daily lives.

The CID aims to reflect our current society, by programming and producing three to five exhibitions each year, On the one hand, they echo individual practices and research through monograph exhibitions dedicated to Belgian or international designers, and on the other, thematic exhibitions develop a narrative thread that invites us to dream up and invent utopias. An entire mediation programme is organised around the exhibitions to enable these discoveries to be shared with the public, specialist or otherwise, attaching great importance to the adaptation of our visits and visitors).

keramis - ceramics center

A museum and space for art and creation dedicated to ceramics, Keramis was built on the site of the old Boch faience factory in La Louvière. Its bold, contemporary architecture incorporates an old listed building that contains three giant bottle kilns, the last of their kind in Belgium.

Keramis holds the collections of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the SRIW and the Province of Hainaut, and these pieces are supplemented by gifts and long-term loans from private collections such as that belonging to the Boch Keramis Foundation.

The collections also contain archived documents and testimonies as part of our work to help protect the artistic and archival heritage of the old Boch Frères Keramis factory in La Louvière.


The commitment of the leading media to ceramic brussels means that its visibility and promotion in Belgium and abroad are widely supported. 

The editorial teams support for our initiative enables their readers to find out more about the fair, its issues and its players. The team warmly thanks:

special media prize


The IDEAT SPECIAL PRIZE honours the talent of an artist exhibiting at ceramic brussels:

Nellie Johnson.
She showed her work at the fair with Norwegian gallery QB Gallery.

Trendy without being mainstream, influential and elegant, IDEAT is an established quarterly contemporary interiors magazine that succeeds in combining exclusive, high-quality and in-depth information with a great proximity to its audience.

From international indoor and outdoor design to bespoke architecture, art, luxury products, travel and sustainability: IDEAT is all about what shapes things today and for tomorrow.

Viscerally mixed. Fiercely modern. Absolutely essential.

IDEAT stands shoulder to shoulder with the trendsetters, creating a buzz with every issue!